EZPZ Branching Dialogue – Week 4

Previous Post:

EZPZ Branching Dialogue – Week 3

This Week’s Snapshot:

What’s New:

  • Added a reader script to access the node data
  • Created a small scene for showing off the dialogue
    • This will evolve into a full tutorial/testing scene for the tool later on


This week I needed to catch up on my other large project, Psychic Diner, so I didn’t have as much time to work on this project. However, that’s fine, since I had planned for this week to have less work on this tool. Thanks to the way I set up my architecture for the trees, getting the data from the nodes was really easy. Unfortunately, I don’t have branches in yet, which is probably the biggest challenge for next week. Thankfully, that’s the biggest work I planned next week, so I don’t see it becoming an issue.

What’s Next:

  • Info and Branch nodes created and implemented.
  • If I have time, get a default set up and add some small QOL features

Next Post:

EZPZ Branching Dialogue – Week 5