Guilded – Week 3

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Guilded – Week 2

We fixed a lot of issues from last week, and it went a whole lot smoother. Designer work was planned out nicely once I sat down and made sure all the designers had work to do. I had handed off a lot of documentation the work to various designers, and they seemed happy to work on them. The two notable tasks were inventory and unique characters.

The inventory system controls what items an adventurer can have as well as how they choose what items to equip. Since the player will have no say in the decisions of the adventurer, we want to make sure that the picking system is based off of a lot of public knowledge like personality and quirks. That way the items that the adventurers pick to equip will be predictable, and not something completely unrelated to their skills or job. This system was just documented this week from the designer side, but the programmers started working on the backend for getting this all set up. We won’t be looking at it next sprint, but the system is ready to move into implementation.

The second big thing was unique characters. These are written, non-procedurally generated characters that will give the player some stability in the procedurally generated game world. The narrative designers really dove into this and made some really great characters. One of the biggest additions was a character I requested, the Mayor. The Mayor will be a tutorial character and will lead the player through the beginning of the game and into some of the advanced features. This will help solve our issue of accessibility in our game controls as well as provide a natural starting point to the game.

One last thing to note is we are planning on challenging out of greenlight this week. But unfortunately, due to work conflicts and the build breaking, we weren’t able to challenge. We’ve addressed these challenges and will be on track to get out of greenlight next week!

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Guilded – Week 4